Student Solution


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Module 2 Case Study

Module 2 Case Study

Q Ch 12 page 269 – Hypertension . 1. Describe the pathophysiology of essential hypertension. 2. Explain the possible problems associated with the high diastolic pressure. 3. Two other signs of CHF. 4. List two medications that are helpful in treating hypertension and describe their actions.

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1. Essential hypertension is the high blood pressure , the pressure or force of the circulating blood against the walls of the arteries . Essential hypertension do not have a secondary cause and it is occurs from an unknown origin .It is also referred as primary hypertension. Hypertension remains undiagnosed for years and it can only be controlled by medications and lifestyle changes. The pathophysiology of essential hypertension is multifactorial and complex. In this condition ,there is an increased resistance in blood peripheral circulatory system and this leads to narrowing or arteries and thus increase in blood pressure .Essential hypertension is caused due to obesity ,increased blood volume ,high sodium diet etc.